PHOEBE base — initialization functions


int                 phoebe_init                         ();
int                 phoebe_configure                    ();
int                 phoebe_quit                         ();
void                phoebe_load_ld_tables               ();


These are the functions that initialize PHOEBE and its components.


phoebe_init ()

int                 phoebe_init                         ();

Initializes PHOEBE. The function initializes all PHOEBE variables, sets the "C" locale, sets environment variables, randomizes the seed and sets up the break event handler.

This function must be called before any of PHOEBE's functions that rely on parameters or variables is used.

Returns :

phoebe_configure ()

int                 phoebe_configure                    ();

Looks for the configuration file, loads it (if found) and reads in the configuration entries. The configuration filename is hardcoded to phoebe.config (this should be changed in future), but the configuration directory PHOEBE_HOME_DIR can be set by the drivers.

The order of the checked config directories is:

1) PHOEBE_HOME_DIR if not NULL, 2) Current ~/.phoebe-VERSION (i.e. ~/.phoebe-0.32), 3) Previous (but compatible) ~/.phoebe-VERSIONs (i.e. ~/.phoebe-0.31, ~/.phoebe-0.30), in the decreasing order (most recent come first), 4) Legacy ~/.phoebe

If a legacy (pre-0.30) config file is found, its configuration entries will be imported. In all cases the configuration directory will be set to the current ~/.phoebe-VERSION so that saving a configuration file stores the settings to the current directory.

Once the configuration file is open, the function configures all PHOEBE features (passband transmission functions, limb darkening coefficients etc).

If the configuration file is not found, defaults are assumed.

Returns :


phoebe_quit ()

int                 phoebe_quit                         ();

Frees all PHOEBE-related memory, restores the default locale and exits PHOEBE cleanly.

Returns :

phoebe_load_ld_tables ()

void                phoebe_load_ld_tables               ();

Frees the existing ld table and loads it from the current PHOEBE_LD_DIR directory.

Returns :